Sunday, 15 December 2024

Back In The Saddle

 Well, it certainly has been a long time, hasn't it? That's right; A Winner Is You is back, and hopefully better than ever! But before we jump back in to the philosophical and sociological examination of games, a quick word about the long hiatus.

Why, after a burst of activity in 2020, did the pace of articles on this blog slow down and then stop altogether? The short answer is, I was starting to feel like playing games was work, and thus to avoid doing it. This is the danger when one tries to monetize one's hobbies. I also got enmeshed in the sinister psychological tendrils of MTG Arena, and spent almost all of my gaming time for several years grinding my daily quests, neglecting the many other games competing for my attention, games which it would require additional cognitive load to git gud at. I fell into a hole from which it was difficult to climb out.

However, as soon as I started playing other games again I started getting ideas for new articles, and hearing the siren call of articles imagined but yet unwritten. So I am tentatively starting the blog up again; I still feel like the work is valuable, even if it has not yet reached a wide audience. I also feel that a couple years of distance have made my writing better and my analysis more thorough, so I'm hoping that in the future the quality of articles improves.

In that vein, I am tentatively committing to one article a month, but I am not going to let myself get into the kind of rut I did before; I will be writing articles as and when the motivation strikes me. I have two ready to go already and a few more in the pipe, but I can't promise to keep a consistent schedule. I have a lot of time commitments, and although I enjoy this work, it is work, and I have a limited number of spoons available. So if you're willing to be patient with me, come on back and hopefully we can engage in some discourse about games together!

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